One of the causes of poor ranking is the lack of attention of your site organization and missing the point to stay afloat by adding weekly content. Most individuals make the mistake of thinking that social media will substitute a website and give them the same or more exposure than google.
Facebook or Instagram, doesn’t care if you are the best life insurance broker, or yoga instructor, even if you run an ad campaign with them, what your ads say about you is little compare to what a good website designed and organization can do for your business.
As an SEO pro nothing alarms me more than finding clients who come to me with abandoned websites, no content, and felt tired of recurring to Instagram to do campaigns; and the only thing they get are likes, no customers. Thus, frustrating of these results, they come and ask why is my business do so poorly if I am publishing every hour my business’ activities on social media?…
The answer is your lack of attention to your website, and poorly managed webpage. At this stage and age, customers look on google for anything and everything, and nothing would drive more traffic to your business than a well informative, structure and geographically enhanced website to your target demographics.
What is site structure and why is it important to your website?
Site structure refers to organizing and arranging a website’s pages and content it defines all the information hierarchy within the website and serves as a roadmap to search engine crawlers, a well structure site facilitates easy navigation, enhaces user experience and helps search engine like google to understand and effectively index site content, this in turn can improve the site’s performance by making it easier for users to find and engaged with the content ultimately, and optimized site structure helps achieve higher rankings, more traffic and better conversation rates.
Importance for usability
The structure of your website significantly impacts the experience of your visitors (UX) if visitors can’t find the products and information they are looking for, they’ll not likely become regular visitors or customers. In other words you should help them navigate your site. A good site structure will help with this.
Navigating should be easy you need to categorize and link your posts and products . So they are easy to find. New visitors should be able to grasp what you writing about or selling instantly.
3 Main reasons why site structure improves your chances of ranking
1- It helps google to understand your site: The way you structure your site, will give google vital clues. About where to find valuable content on your site. It helps search engines to understand what your site is mainly about or what you are selling. A decent site structure will also enables search engines, to find an index content quickly. A good structure should therefore lead to a higher ranking in google.
2-It prevents you from competing with yourself: On your site you may have blog posts that are quite similar. If for example you write about a lot of SEO, you could have multiple blog posts about site structure, each covering a different aspect. Consequently google won’t be able to tell which of these pages is the most important, so you will be competing with your content for higher ranking, you should let google know which page you think is most important you need a good internal linking and taxonomy structure to do this, so all those pages can work for you instead of against you.
3-It deals with changes on your website: The products you sell on your shop will likely evolve, so does the content you are writing, you probably add new product line as old stock sells out, or you add new articles that make old ones redundant. You don’t want google to show outdated products, or deleted blog posts, so you need to deal with these kinds of changes in the structure of your site.
Use these secrets to stay at the top of your game, if you need a more comprehensive plan, check with us anytime, and we can map out a structure so your business begins its route to success!
check our last article on latest seo technology tricks to enhance your business here
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