Digital Marketing Guru In Morris County NJ Unveils His Secret To Optimize Images For Seo Results
Images For Seo
I always look for images for my content that belong to me, whether I take pictures or I draw my own, I made a habit that every article I write must carry pics or vids. The strategy has helped a lot because my audience finds me and sets me apart immediately by looking at the images. The bottom lime is that images, are extremely powerful, and work well when they are used correctly. Your articles are basically been tagged up with pics that make them stand out from any other blogs that may contain similar information.
Also images when use correctly will help readers better understand your article, or as mentioned before, get a better idea of the product you are offering. The old saying a picture worth 1000 words doesn’t apply to google, but it is certainly true when you need to spice up 500 or more dull words, illustrate what you mean in a chart. Or making your social media post more enticing.
Use Images On Every Article
It is a simple recommendation: add images on every article you write or page you create to make them more appealing, what’s more with the search landscape rapidly changing and not just relying on text anymore. Adding visuals to your pages will benefit your SEO. Visual search is still part of the equation, as was already apparent for google vision to the future a few years ago, but with AI and other multimedia’s development, on the rise optimizing your images and videos, for that matter makes, it way easier to find you for both search engines and people, making the effort to optimize your images can provide you with a nice bit of traffic.
Let us help you turn your images into a powerful SEO tools
At Jose Fit Zone Digital marketing; I always recommend my clients to us original images and photos, most of our customers like you are busy running their business and have no time to do the copy writing and picture adaptation for their website, and here is where we kick in.
We will develop a campaign that will help you and your business to be known by using images and optimizing them inside your webpage using the latest coding technology on HTML, JAVA AND CSS. Or simply using the best image that matches your products and services.
Call us now and get started with a powerful SEO image campaign that I can do successfully for you using my digital marketing and coding sills expertise!
CALL @: 973-536-5963
Check here why you should consider an SEO strategy for your business with us